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Why are Transcripts Important?

Transcripts are super important for not only people who cannot hear or have difficulty hearing but also people who have auditory processing disorders since they can be accessed at any time.  Transcripts, in playable media, are written versions of both the dialogue and essential components. They are helpful for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have difficulty processing audio.

The main difference between captions and transcripts is the amount of information they display. Captions are displayed on the screen with the media in real-time, while transcripts have the entire text visible at once. Good transcripts are separated logically into different paragraphs, lists, and sections. If there is more than one speaker, the transcript should indicate the speakers for clarification of dialogue. It is also beneficial to include timestamps so that viewers can identify where something is in the visual media without needing to rewatch the entire video.

The Benefits of Having a Transcript

User Benefits

Creator Benefits

  • Access a wider audience:

    • If your content is accessible to users with disabilities, it can reach a wider audience.

  • Appear in search engines:

    • Since search engines cannot search videos, having a transcript allows search engines to scan the transcript for keywords.

  • Have a greater chance of success:

    • If your media appears in search engines, it has a better chance of being frequently seen.

  • Process content at your own pace:

    • Users can use the transcript to learn or digest the content at their own pace.

  • Reinforce your language comprehension:

    • People who are not fluent in the language of the video can refer to different sections of the transcript as many times as needed. 

  • Search for keywords:

    • The media can easily be searched for keywords and concepts.

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