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What are Audio Descriptions?

Audio descriptions allow someone who is blind or visually impaired to listen to both the original audio as well as additional spoken audio that describes what is happening in playable media. By having audio descriptions, someone who cannot physically see the media can still have the same experience without missing any important information.

What Do Audio Descriptions Sound Like?

The Benefits of Audio Descriptions

While audio descriptions are designed for those who are visually impaired, there are many other benefits to having audio descriptions in your media:​

  1. The media is accessible to anyone with a visual impairment

  2. Individuals on the Autism Spectrum have an easier time understanding social and emotional cues

  3. Consumers do not need to be looking at the screen to understand everything that is happening on the screen

  4. They can assist people who are learning the language by showing them corresponding actions

  5. Auditory learners have an easier time comprehending the media

  6. They can point out information in the media that the consumer may overlook otherwise

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